Wednesday 27 May 2015


A Civil Society Organisation, the Incorporated Trustees of Advocacy for Societal Rights Advancement and Development Initiative, has ‎asked the Federal Court in Abuja to stop the Chief Justice of Nigeria, CJN, Justice Mahmud Mohammed, from administering oath on the President-elect, Muhammadu Buhari on May 29.
‎The group, in an originating summons that was filed by its lawyer, Mr. Philip Ekpo, insisted that Buhari is not legally fit to take over as the President of Nigeria.

•Buhari: Decked out
The plaintiff argued that Buhari did not meet the qualification enshrined in the 1999 Constitution and the Electoral Act, and ought not have contested the April 11, 2015, presidential election.
Cited as respondents in the suit were Buhari, the Independent National Electoral Commission and the Chief Justice of Nigeria.
The group specifically applied for an order of interim injunction restraining the 3rdRespondent or any person acting in his capacity, from swearing in the 1stRespondent as President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on May 29, 2015, or any other date thereof, pending the determination of the Motion on Notice.
According to the plaintiff, “‎The 1st Respondent gave false information in the Affidavit he presented to the 2nd Respondent and on the strength of which he contested and purportedly won the presidential election which was conducted by the 2nd Respondent on
March 28, 2015.
“The 1st Respondent deposed to an Affidavit dated ‎November 24, 2014 that his West African School Leaving Certificate is in the custody of the Secretary to the Military Board
“The Nigerian Army on ‎January 20, 2015, said that in the personal file of the 1st Respondent with the Nigerian Army, they do not have the original copy of his West African School Leaving Certificate (WASC) nor does the Nigerian Army have the Certified True Copy of his WASC results neither do they have a photocopy of the said result.
“The 1st Respondent has not met the qualifications enshrined in the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the Electoral Act, Cap E6, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2010 (as amended) to havecontested the position of President of Nigeria at the 2015 general elections.
” That the authority conferred by Section 140 of the 1999 Constitution (as amended) on the 3rd Respondent to administer oath of office to any person who will occupy the office of the President of Nigeria cannot be exercised in respect of the 1st Respondent who has not fulfilled the requirements of the same Constitution and the Electoral Act as it relates to his eligibility to occupy the office of President of Nigeria”, it averred before the court.
This therefore prayed the court ‎to declare that the information contained in the Buhari’s FORM C.F.001 stating that his educational qualification is the West African School Leaving Certificate (WASC) and that same is with the Secretary to the Military Board amounts to False Information.
As well as to hold that the information contained in the Buhari’s Affidavit deposed to on 24th November, 2014 stating that his West African School Leaving Certificate (WASC) is with the Secretary to the Military Board amounts to False Information.
More so, it is among other things, seeking ‎”A declaration that the 3rdDefendant is estopped fromswearing in the 1st Defendant as President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, as the issue of perjury involving the 1st Defendant has not been resolved.
“An order restraining the 3rdDefendant or any person appointed for such purpose from swearing in the 1st Defendant as President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on 29th May, 2015 orany future dateswhatsoever forgiving False Information to the 2nd Respondent on oath.
“An order annulling the Certificate of Return given to the 1stDefendant by the 2ndDefendant.”
Meantime, the case is yet to be assigned to any judge for hearing.

Tuesday 26 May 2015


President Goodluck Jonathan has released N5 billion to the Ministry of Environment for the purchase of clean cook stoves for rural women, a project which is expected to gulp N9.2 billion.
Minister of Environment Laurentia Mallam, who said this yesterday, added that the President will inaugurate the project today.
Mrs. Mallam said the stoves will be distributed to women in the rural areas through the state ministries of environment.
According to her, the contractor, Messrs Integra Renewable Energy Services Limited, has been given N1.3 billion from the N5 billion released by the Federal Government.
She spoke during an inspection visit to the Velodrome at the National Stadium, Abuja, where some of the 750,000 stoves were being assembled.
The minister added that clean cook stoves will help to discourage the use of firewood for cooking, which she said is one of the causes of desertification in the North.
She said: “We started in the northern parts of the country because of the challenges we are facing there with the desert encroaching into the country and people still cut down trees.
“Now, the President wants it to spread throughout the country and so we have this project.
“The ministry has received N5 billion so far. You know when N9.2 billion was approved by the Federal Government last year, we told Nigerians that N9.2 billion has been approved by the Federal Government. But so far, N5 billion has been released to the ministry.
“We have given the contractor 15 per cent, which is N1.3 billion. That is what we have released to the contractor and we still have N3.7 billion in the ministry’s account.”
Mrs. Mallam added that by 2020, most women in the rural areas will have access to the stoves.


By Nwachukwu Ugochukwu

I apologize to my people who needed to task me on fulfilling my promise. I did not write the epistle on the day promised and I will not write an epistle, rather I will summarize and abbreviate it in a few paragraphs.
I have been very active in politics since 1999. During the Banbangida/Abiola era, I was a young man but still followed all the politics of those days at a tender age. I was one of the few guys that first predicted that Ihedioha will loose the 2015 elections to Okorocha. My writeup on that is in Igboville today.
I initially decided not to disclose what I am about to disclose because those with political foresight should be consulted and compensated for it, but I have decided to throw out everything I know to whoever wants to listen and use it for the growth of Nigeria in general. I caved in to write this because of the repeated push by my fans especially Mr. Charles Ikemredia and others who have asked on several occasions for me to fulfill my promise of writing the epistle.
Well, everything I want to write is on how PDP can transform itself into a better political party and win both the 2019 general elections and all states in SS, SE, half of SW and middlebelt or more.
1. PDP needs to merge itself with one or two parties.
Fortunately, everyone agrees with this and hence I don't need to explain anything here.
2. PDP and the new merger should adopt a new name.
I have said it severally that a new name will help retain sympathizers currently in PDP while throwing away the bad name. I have never been a member of PDP but joined the fight because of Goodluck Jonathan. The major reason I joined Goodluck Jonathan was because of the pictures of burnt and slaughtered Nigerians I keep seeing everyday online. At a point, I decided that I must join this man and fight for justice. I know how much and what I lost in that fight.
PDP has a bad name in Nigeria. After the handover this week, most reasonable people will refuse to mingle with or deal with PDP as the dust begin to settle. Once GEJ is totally out of the picture, my Igbo governors and PDP members will gradually start joining APC. It will be a gradual process but it will be a complete process. This is not the first time it has happened and will never be the last. Almost all the governors of the SE will join APC. The injuries we suffered during the civil war has never allowed us to play opposition politics and I support my people for that. We must gain the little we can from the Federal government, being that we are hated by the right and the left. We have to survive and rebuild our area first and we have been surviving that way until today.
When the Igbos leave, the South South will join, and PDP will totally collapse. It will be the rescue party for the Yorubas (who will definitely fall out with Buhari) to use in fighting Buhari when the time comes.
To prevent this, the PDP needs to redefine PDP and they need to do that very fast. They need do this today and tomorrow. Dont wait till when people are fleeing the PDP camp before you do that. Do that today being Monday. Do that before Friday. Do that now. You have nothing to gain by keeping that name PDP. Change the name. The people who coined that name have all left: Obasanjo, Gemade, Atiku, and all the great corrupt people we all know. Now, only new comers are left in PDP. Why would you want to carry the burden and sins of the old criminals?
Change the name and expel one of two saboteurs from the party and see SE and SS clap for you. Draw a new manifesto and institute a workshop. Decide on programs you want to pursue and demands you want fulfilled from the new government. Call it a name.
Let me suggest some manifesto points for you.
A. Resource control
B. Lower Nigeria economic block to include sea ports, interlinking expressways and health system.
C. Southwest economic block with new ports in Ondo etc.
The people you have in your base are the most sophisticated and most educated people in the country. You have the SS, the SE, the SW, and the middle-belt. Honestly if you reform and re-brand the party, send just one or two people parking, draft a mouth watering agenda to move forward (and they see that it caters to their innermost needs), they will lay down their lives in supporting you. They don't need your money or any other thing from you.
3. I have recently disagreed with some folks who suggested that PDP should field a northerner come 2019.
I spent lots of money in Business School acquiring a Masters of Business Administration. I was taught that when you have a customer base, you do not leave them and go hunting for new customers. You treat them well and then others will see how you treat them and come join you.
Political parties are like businesses. They are in the business of grabbing power. You have a base which is SS, SE, and some SW, and Middlebelt. These are your customers. To ensure that your base remain intact, begin from next week to send rumors and gossip to the media that your preferred 2019 candidate will come from SE and middlebelt with SS vice or SW vice. Begin today. Dont wait for tomorrow. This will keep your base intact. Your job now is to keep your base intact. If you dont, your base will scatter and you will begin to scramble to get them back but you will never see them again.
4. Some have argued that if PDP does not go after the north and bow down and beg them and then ask one of them to become their candidate, PDP will be buried. Then I ask them, why didnt APC present a Niger Deltan against GEJ?
I have played politics enough to know that if you pair two oranges together, on election day, nobody will come out. However, if you want the whole of Nigeria to come out for and against, pair an Igbo man against Buhari come 2019 and the whole of Nigeria will come out either to vote for or against the Igbo man. You will retain all your SE, SS, Middlebelt, and SW states, gain a few more, and then give APC a good fight.
If APC had presented a Niger Deltan against GEJ, most of us would not have even registered to vote. Always give people something new, something different, to get them motivated.
5. Last but not the least. Elections in Nigeria are not won by how much you have performed but by how well you make your calculations.
If PDP begins from today to shout "resource control" and "regional government", they would capture the whole of SE and SS. No governor from there will think of leaving the party because they will termed a traitor. They will also capture the activist Yorubas. So this ensures that PDP have their base covered.
Then here comes how elections elections are won. In 2019, each APC senator/reps/governor in the north will have a PDP challenger in those states APC readily won in this election. The PDP challenger normally will educate his people to vote PDP just for him and vote whosoever they want for other positions. However, lack of proper assmilation will make some vote all positions for PDP. The little votes PDP will get from those misinformed voters (who will vote PDP top-down) will all add up all over the north and some middle-belt states. PDP will add those to their strong base in the South and win the election. Its not a 100% feat but its the best route to win the election and I believe it will work.
My people have a saying "anu gi gbalaha gi, gi egbubiri ya odu".This simply means that if you miss to cut off the head of your hunted animal, at least you can boast of cutting of its tail.
PDP can retain all they have now and have a good shot at the presidency in 2019. It all lies in their hands.

Monday 25 May 2015


Petroleum products marketers and the Federal Government on Monday set aside their face-off with government, resolving to immediately mobilise to ensure restoration of normal supply of fuel throughout the country.
At the end of a meeting convened by the Senate Committee on Petroleum (Upstream and downstream) to resolve the crisis, Chairman, Major Oil Marketers Association of Nigeria (MOMAN), Obafemi Olawore, said its members, consisting Oando, Conoil, Forte Oil, MRS, Total and Mobil Oil agreed to commence lifting and distribution of fuel immediately from the stock supplied by the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).
Capital Oil and Gas Ltd had on Sunday commenced the loading of 13 million litres of petrol from its depot in Apapa for distribution to the various states to reduce the current scarcity.
The Chairman of the company, Ifeayin Ubah, told journalists in Lagos that more than 2,000 trucks would be loaded before May 29 to boost the country’s economic activities.
He said the company’s facilities had the capacity to load 13 million litres of the product within the period.
“This comes to approximately 500 trucks of petroleum products on daily basis. With this, it is our belief that once again our citizens will begin to smile and return to normal family and work life.
“We call on other petroleum marketers to follow suit and save our nation from this impending economic and social crisis,’’ he said.


Keeping to her promise to disclose what the states got from the Excess Crude ACCOUNT, the MINISTER OF FINANCE Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala-Iweala Sunday said the 36 states of the federation, received a total of N2.92 trillion from the ACCOUNT between 2011 and 2014.
A statement from the Federal Ministry of FINANCE released Sunday night said the it had become necessary to make the figures public following recent accusations by the Rivers state governor on behalf of state governors.
The statement from the federal ministry of Finance noted that the “figures show that they (states) received N966.6 billion in 2011, N816.3 billion in 2012, N859.4 billion in 2013 and N282.8 in 2014. The low figure for 2014 reflects the steep decline in revenues due to the impact of the crash in global OIL PRICES which began in the middle of the year.
Akwa Ibom got the highest with (N265 billion), Rivers (N230.4 billion), Delta (N216.7 billion), Bayelsa (N176.3 billion), Kano (N106.5 billion) and Lagos (N82.9 billion) respectively got these amounts from the ECA.
Kwara (N52.8 billion), Enugu (N51.6 billion), Gombe (N47.7 billion), Nassarawa (N46.9 billion), Ekiti (N46.8 billion) and Ebonyi (N44.3 billion) received the least amounts in that order.
The statement added that “the summary of the inflows and outflows from the Account shows that the opening balance was $4.56 billion in 2011 and reached a peak the following year at $8.7 billion before declining to $2.3 billion in 2013. The balance as at May 2015 is $2.07 billion.”
The fluctuation in the ECA the statement explained “reflects the sharing of the proceeds usually requested by state governors as well as the practice of Augmentation which involves additional sharing from the ECA when available funds are not adequate to meet revenue projections.”
The ministry noted that Subsidy and SURE-P payments are also made from the Excess Crude Account while the Federal Government’s share from the ECA during the period was N3.29 trillion.


The Defence headquarters said, Monday, that a Boko Haram Commander, suspected to be a foreigner, was on Saturday killed during the ongoing offensive to rid the terrorists from the North East and that thousands of foreign currencies EURO) were found on the him.

A statement signed by the Director of Defence Information, Major General Chris Olukolade noted, “Thousands of EURO currency was found on the body of a terrorist commander after troops successfully repelled a terrorist on Mafa towards the border”.

“The terrorist who is also an Amir by status and believed to be of foreign descent, is among about 30 terrorist fighters who died in the encounter while many others fled with wounds”.

“The terrorists also lost a number weapon and equipment including the captured 13 rifles, a machine gun, and rocket propelled grenade tubes and several other assorted ammunition”.

“A Toyota Bufallo vehicle was also recovered from the terrorists. Two of their armoured vehicles were also destroyed in the battle”.

“The only casualty on the side of owns troops were damaged equipment.  Mopping up OPERATIONS is ongoing in the general area”.


Ifeanyi Ubah’s CAPITAL Oil has pulled out of the ongoing strike by the fuel tankers and marketers, saying it was not going to be part of the ploy to inflict pain on Nigerian masses.

In a press statement issued by the COMPANY and signed by its MANAGING DIRECTOR, Ifeanyi Uba, the company announced that its resolution takes immediate effect.

According to the company, it has the capacity to load over 13 million litres of product before dawn. This comes to approximately 400 trucks of petroleum products. It said with this gesture, ”it is our belief that once again our citizens will begin to smile, return to normal family and work life.”

The company called on other petroleum marketers to follow suit and SAVE the Nation from an impending ECONOMIC and social crisis.

It stressed on the importance of sacrifice, especially as Nigeria moves to have a new government, saying, ”This is a period that requires patriotism and service to fatherland. Let’s join hands to help our fellow citizens and save Nigeria. We also call on striking bodies to call off the strike action. Let us work together for the betterment of our people.”

Below is full statement:

On Saturday, 16th May 2015, we received an SMS ordering the suspension of loading activities in all depots from Monday 18th May 2015. We later realized that this directive was as a result of unpaid funds owed to transporters by OIL MARKETERS who in turn are owed by the Federal Government. This development has resulted in immense hardship to our fellow country men and women. We believe that a better solution can be pursued towards solving this problem in a way that does not adversely affect our dear citizens.

Capital Oil and Gas has watched with so much pain, the suffering and hardship our citizens have been subjected to as a result of scarcity of PETROL, diesel, aviation fuel and house hold kerosene. We are deeply pained to hear that hospitals cannot perform surgeries, laboratories are unable to carry out much needed tests especially for emergency patients leaving such patients at RISK of dying, radio stations are shutting down, communication is being affected as MTN and other telecommunications company have announced an impending shut down while homes, offices and key facilities nationwide are experiencing blackouts. In some parts of the country, petrol is already selling at an all-time high of N1,000 per litre. Our citizens have left their homes and are now sleeping in fuel stations, facing the risk of robbery attacks and other attendant risk.

In a few days’ time, a new government headed by General Muhamadu Buhari will be sworn in. Apart from our citizens being unable to watch the handover on television and unavailability of transportation for attendees of this historic handover, the resulting chaos from this scarcity may shutdown the Nation and sabotage the efforts Nigeria has made to attain greater heights.

We are constrained at this point and have decided that two wrongs cannot make a right. We will not be part of this sabotage against our fatherland. Therefore from this minute, we shall take the risk of opening our facilities and commence swift loading and distribution of products Nationwide.

Our facility has the capacity to load over 13 million litres of product before dawn. This comes to approximately 400 trucks of petroleum products. With this act, it is our belief that once again our citizens will begin to smile, return to normal family and work life. We call on other petroleum marketers to follow suit and save our Nation from this impending ECONOMIC and social crisis. This is a period that requires patriotism and service to fatherland. Let’s join hands to help our fellow citizens and save Nigeria. We also call on striking bodies to call off the strike action. Let us work together for the betterment of our people.

As we brief you this moment, our truck park, port reception facilities and our depot complex have been ordered opened. We are ordering and resuming discharge of products from vessels at our berths. We have ordered our trucks to commence loading of products and move overnight to every state of the Federation.

Most importantly, we wish to use this medium to thank NNPC and PPMC for their steadfastness in ensuring the availability of petroleum products. Current PPMC STOCK level in our storage tanks and buffer stock on vessels awaiting discharge at our jetty is capable of meeting the Nation’s need for 15 days.

Furthermore, we wish to emphasis that we have a total solution to the traffic menace on the oshodi apapa expressway. In the coming weeks, we hope to engage the Federal Government (Federal Ministry of Transport), Lagos State Government and other stakeholders in the affected area, to optimally utilize our truck park facilities which has the capacity to ACCOMMODATEover 1,100 trucks per time and 5,000 on a shift basis.

CAPITALOil and Gas continues to appeal to Nigerians to accept and support deregulation as this will curb corruption, enhance competition, lead to reduction of pump price for petroleum products and ensure constant supply to meet Nigeria’s demand.

Dr. Patrick Ifeanyi Ubah


CAPITALOil and Gas Industries Limited

Friday 22 May 2015


A Nigerian, Dickson Ndukwe Agbai has emerged the best student with the highest grade of doctorate degree in Bio-fuels from the Newcastle University, England.
Dickson, a native of Ugwueke Community in Bende Local Government Area of Abia State was adjudged the best for the award of the doctorate degree following his outstanding thesis on: ‘Analysis of Biofuel Potential in Nigeria.’
A joint report of examiners endorsed by Dr. Paul Wilson of University of Nothingham and Dr. P. J. Dawson of Newcastle University testifying to Dickson’s outstanding performance reads: ‘That the candidate be admitted immediately to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.’ This is the very best and the topmost Ph.D viva/thesis examination grade based on the university’s grading system.
The report dated September 9, 2014 went on: ‘This thesis examines the potential of biofuel production in Nigerian using programming methods. Various scenarios are estimated and appropriate policy recommendations follow. It is an interesting and worthy piece of research which tackles a problem that is highly relevant to the Nigerian Government. Indeed, the Nigerian Government sponsored Mr. Dick’s scholarship in open competition. The method of analysis is appropriate and while not novel, the application is. The thesis is well-written and well-presented, and its structure is appropriate. It is of doctoral standard.
‘During the oral examination (of 2 hours 10 minutes), the candidate defended the thesis well. He demonstrated a thorough understanding of his work and he can place his research in the wider context of the literature. He understands and appreciates the advantages and disadvantages of the alternative methods and provided a convincing argument for that chosen. The policy recommendations, which should be helpful to the Nigerian Government in its development of a biofuel policy, follow from the results and the candidate understands their implications.’
The Dean of Postgraduate Studies of the university, Dr. Stuart Edwards was effusive in his commendation of Dickson’s performance. Dr. Edwards states in a letter dated September 12, 2014 thus: I am writing with reference to your recent examination towards the degree of Ph.D. I note that the examiners have given exceptional praise to your work and I would like to take this opportunity personally to congratulate you on your success. I would like to wish you all the best in your future.’
Dickson’s academic feat has also not gone unnoticed back home. A Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), Eco Empowerment & Sensitization Initiative (ECO-ESI), Aba, Abia State commended him for bringing honour to Nigeria.
A statement signed Dr. Bari Brown Malachi Elisha, secretary to ECO-ESI, noted that Dr. Agbai had through his academic feat ‘placed the Nigerian flag at the pinnacle of academic excellence in a highly-competitive global stage.’
The NGO expressed its profound gratitude to the Federal Government and the Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) for their financial sponsorship and support to Dr. Dickson Ndukwe Agbai and other Nigerian scholars during their programmes.
‘Their unparalleled financial support/scholarship enabled Dr. Dickson Ndukwe Agbai to fully focus and commit his time to studies during his research programme at Newcastle University, England; thus enabling him to achieve this rare academic excellence at the highest academic (Ph.D) level,’ the NGO stated.
The ECO-ESI however seized the opportunity to appeal that Nigerian scholars who did the country proud through their outstanding academic feat be given a national honour and jobs on their return to the country.
Prior to his Ph.D Degree, Dickson holds a B.Sc. Degree in Agricultural Economics & Extension, with a Second Class (Honours) Upper Division, from Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO); and a Master’s Degree in Environmental and Resource Management (with ‘Merit’ or ‘Very Good’ grade according to German grading system) from Brandenburg Technical University [BTU ] cottbus Germany.

Wednesday 13 May 2015


Many Nigerians reside in the United Arab Emirates but some of the biggest news in the Arab nation right now is that of the busting of a money-doubling gang of three Africans in Sharjah. The raid was carried out by Sharjah Police and their headquarters explained the modus operandi of the suspects.

Image credits: Sharjah Police Headquarters, UAE/Abiyamo Fan resident in Sharjah.
A senior police officer in Sharjah says the gang used fake currency to convince people that they can double their money and make them wealthy beyond belief. During the raid, Sharjah Police recovered $20 million in fake currency with the arrest of three Africans. According to Colonel Ibrahim Al Ajill, Director of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), many unsuspecting residents fell prey to the well-orchestrated scam and many of them had visited the police to complain about illegal activities carried out in an apartment in the Al Nahda area.

Following the tip off, a team of CID officers authenticated their claims and raided the apartment. The raid was successful and the suspects were arrested red-handed with bales of fake currency notes. Original currencies like dollars, euros and dirhams were also recovered from them. They initially denied the fake currency belonged to them saying it was for someone else but later confessed to their crime and how they swindled people.

Sharjah is the capital of the Emirate of Sharjah and is the third largest and third most populous city in the United Arab Emirates, forming part of the Dubai-Sharjah-Ajman metropolitan area. Image credits: Creative Commons.
Prior to the raid, many businessmen had approached the three suspects and gave them their money for doubling. Sharjah Police say two of the suspects came to the UAE on a visit visa while the third one is on a residency visa that was given to him in the name of commercial shop.

An Abiyamo Fan residing in Sharjah has fully confirmed the raid and that was because the Fan stays in the same apartment as the suspects. The Fan was at home around last Sunday when the police entered his flat commando-style and by the time the dust cleared, they left with three fellow Nigerians who the Fan confirmed were caught with several fake dollars.

All the suspects are Yoruba from southwestern Nigeria. The first suspect is named Dele Ogunde, the other is Biyi and we are still working on getting the full names of the third. Two are from Oyo State while the third is from Ondo State. They remain in the custody of the Sharjah Police. This story will be updated as more details filter in so stay tuned.